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Calloway Basketball Institute is your learning resource for Coaches, Players, Basketball Students, and Parents.

CBI has developed the Learn, Play, Improve, Master model to solve one of the biggest challenges in basketball training – measuring where a player is in their development continuum.    The Learn, Play, Improve, Master model allows developing players to objectively measure their knowledge, skill and ability on a maturity scale.  The Skill Maturity Scale was developed by CBI to provide a quantitative and qualitative ratings assessment for each player to measure their strengths and weakness and better understand which areas to focus on within their development plan.

The Learn, Play, Improve, Master model consists of world-class basketball skills instructors teaching proven technical skills at Fundamental, Intermediate, Advanced, and College and Pro levels. The Learn, Play, Improve, Master model will effectively guide you through each of the 4 dimensions of Basketball master.  The Learn focuses on teaching the player fundamental skills, intermediate skills, advanced skills, and college and pro skills.  Students must demonstrate mastery of each skill at each level prior to moving up to the next level.  The Play focuses on putting the skills you learned to work on the court.  Play section introduces students to One-on-One concepts and skillsTwo-on-Two, and Team Offensive and Defensive concepts.  Improve provides students with practice philosophies, tools and techniques to continuously improve the students basketball knowledge and ability.  Master is where the Learn, Play, Improve concepts converge and focus on developing a Mastery mindset within the player.   Basketball is 70% mental and 30% ability.  Master focuses on the Basketball IQ needed to exploit game situations, manage emotions on the court, and recognize and break-down opponents.

CBI’s Learn, Play, Improve, Master model has helped tens of thousands of players progress regardless of their experience level.   Players get objective and measurable improvements from our  Learn, Play, Improve, Master model.  Our model produces immediate results that are achievable and sustainable.  The Learn, Play, Improve, Master model provides a increasingly challenging development framework that will providing continuous improvement throughout the players entire career.

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